Welcome to our new Green Investing Co. stock picks of the day.
These stocks are related to Green Investing Co’s mission to provide insights and news associated with the movement towards a carbon-neutral economy.
These picks are typically ASX-listed stocks. However, we will also provide NYSE, TSX, LSE and other non-core Green investing stocks from time to time.
This website shines a light on how investors can capitalise on associated mining, metals, energy and tech industrial investments – as we move toward a carbon-free future by mid-Century.
We are monitoring these stocks for informational purposes only, they do not represent a recommendation by us at all.
Please ensure you seek advice from professional sources (not Green Investing Co.) on any investment. Take personal responsibility and ensure you undertake due diligence before making an investment decision.
We provide this information as a guide only, with daily alerts coming from various sources, for informational, journalistic and entertainment purposes only.
Here are our picks for today, Wednesday, November 8 2023:
American West Metals
American West Metals (ASX:$AW1) showing a spike in volume today, with the stock breaking 14c in trade.
It appears the stock could be set to head north from here. The company has activities in North America forcused on copper, zinc, silver and indium.
Deep Yellow Limited
Australian and Namibian uranium focused miner Deep Yellow Limited (ASX: $DYL) has been beaten back in recent trading days, hitting $1.40 highs recently it has cooled off in the fast of a global energy sell off.
The stock could be oversold here offering an excellent entry point for those believing in the uranium thesis in the green energy transformation.
QX Resources

QX resources (ASX: $QXR) has broken out on a spike in investor interest.
The battery metals mino is attracting attention of lithium speculators in Western Australia. This could be a huge opportunity if results come in strong, as some are punting on.
The company announced new samples collected at the Pilbara Turner River prospect with assays up to 3.8% LiO2 this week.
Syrah Resources
Graphite stock Syrah Resources (ASX:$SYR) has been popping in recent trading days as the mineral needed for EVs gains favour.
The stock had been on a massive decline for some time and is ready to rally from here, we are hoping.
After China announced export controls on the critical mineral needed for the green transition to net-zero, the stock has been popping nicely.
We think the stock could head north of $1 soon based on trading volumes and sector sentiment. From a chartist perspective, the stock has broken a pennant formation and strong volume.